Kuidas lõhkuda vanemate auto 25-sekundiga (video)

Tegelikkuses arvatakse, et tegu on siiski auto elektroonilise gaasi rikkega. Autos olid 3 teismelist tüdrukut kes läksid naabri juurde neljandat peale võtma. Toyota endal süüd ei näe.

Originaal videoteave:
Terror in our Toyota! Sure looks like the Electronic Throttle Control got stuck, huh? Another case of “UNINTENDED ACCELERATION?” She was only able to control the car with the PRNDL – 3 teenage girls in the car and just pulling into a neighbor’s driveway to pick-up during carpool! This could happen to you! The car was totalled, the home has sever damage, and a car inside the home was totaled out and another damaged. Toyota’s response: “…no evidence of any sort of manufacturing or design defect…” You look at this video and decide for yourself!
